📹 Link to recording (coming soon!)
Thanks to everyone who joined our sixth Governance Working Group call!
To maintain a public record of the discussion, we’re sharing the call notes below.
- If you are new to Radicle Governance, check out the Radicle Governance Hub (Govradicle.super.site). It has all important information & resources needed to get started with Radicle governance and outlines how the Radicle governance process works.
- If you haven’t yet, follow the Radicle Governance Twitter page (https://twitter.com/rad_gov) for live updates and announcements on all things Radicle governance!
- All monthly Governance WG call notes & recordings can be found here: (also linked inthe Gov Hub) https://www.notion.so/forest-text-046/Monthly-Radicle-Governance-WG-Call-Notes-Recordings-643bc0e48361486a866a114ead555cdd
- For Proposal Champions: Voting for all Snapshot polls to start on a Monday, at 5pm CET and end on the following Monday, at 5pm CET. We think this will make it easier for the community to track & participate in active formal reviews by having a consistent start/end date for voting. This has been added to instructions in the governance process README.
Working Group Updates:
- Shelby & Abbey have co-authored a 2021 Radicle Governance Wrapped post that outlines the big developments and proposals from 2021, as well as lays out a few areas of focus for 2022. You can find the post here. Some of these goals include improving the current governance process with better step-by-step documentation, exploring new tooling, and building out existing infrastructure - points which Abbey discusses towards the end of the call.
- The Governance Proposal for the Radicle Grants Program (RGP) PASSED!!! It has officially been queued and should be executed on the 14th of Jan. You can read up on the details of the Grants Program here. Bordumb, the Grants Program lead, will be publishing a introduction to the RGP within the coming days to Radicle’s Mirror blog. Bordumb is expecting to see the first few project proposals within the first few days after execution!
Shelby went over the discussion around a Radicle delegation platform again (you can read it in full here). Based on this and other discussions, the Governance WG is leaning away from the rigid, gatekeeper model of Maker’s delegation platform. Radicle’s version should allow the opportunity for community members to take ownership of community representation in the governance process by announcing themselves as delegates. However, we believe it should have a bit more structure and depth than just a simple announcement post. We will be releasing more documentation on the Discourse forum in the coming days for a revamped delegate process!